Agriculture (AGRI)
AGRI 1301 Natural Resource Conservation Management: 3 semester hours.
Ecological approach to basic conservation principles, concepts and techniques underlying the management and uses of natural resources that is both efficient and sustainable.
Prerequisites: (AGRI 1370 or AGRO 1703) and (AGRO 2633 or AGRI 2363).
AGRI 1311 Dairy Science: 3 semester hours.
Branches of the dairy industry, introduction to dairy types and breeds, the major factors in the management of cattle for milk production, and the common dairy processes.
Prerequisites: AGRI 1319 or ANSC 1513.
AGRI 1319 General Animal Science: 3 semester hours.
Introductory course dealing with domestic farm animals common in the United States. Selection, reproduction, nutrition, management and marketing of beef cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and horses.
AGRI 1327 Poultry Science: 3 semester hours.
Knowledge of the history and development of the poultry industry; the anatomy and physiology of the domestic fowl, especially related to reproduction. Inferences of genetic, environmental and behavioral factors on embryonic development; effects of diet, drugs and toxins. Practices involve artificial incubation, breeding and rearing.
Prerequisites: (AGRI 1319 or ANSC 1513) and (AGRI 2351 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2513) and (AGRI 1311 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2533).
AGRI 1330 Land Grant System and Global Food Security: 3 semester hours.
This course is designed to educate students about the land grant mission, created by the Morrill Act passed by Congress in 1862 and 1890. Areas related to science technology in Global Food Security and Sustainable Food program will be emphasized. Students will actively participate in peer workshops to demonstrate critical thinking skills gained through programs.
AGRI 1331 Agricultural Science and Technology: 3 semester hours.
Introduction to professions in agricultural sciences and technology. Importance of agriculture in the state, nation and world. Review of research developments; explorations of career and other opportunities and development of human resource skills needed in agriculture.
AGRI 1341 Fundamentals of Agricultural Engineering: 3 semester hours.
Introduction to the major areas of agricultural engineering with emphasis on solving practical problems in agricultural production systems, grain systems, food systems, and hydrology. Course includes hands on work.
AGRI 1370 Crop Science: 3 semester hours.
Botanical characteristics of agronomic and horticultural plants; relationship between crops and civilization in both historical and biological terms; nature of crop plants in relation to structure, physiology, environment, growth and development; crop improvement, cropping systems and practices, crop hazards and prevention.
AGRI 2317 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics: 3 semester hours.
Survey of the nature, organization, and operation of the agricultural industry: application of economic principles to production and to the marketing of farm-ranch food and fiber products: and investigation of institutions and government as they affect agriculture.
AGRI 2321 Marketing Agricultural Products: 3 semester hours.
Study of movement of food and fiber products from the production area to the final consumer. Focus on intermediaries, including transportation agents. Efficiency of performing marketing activities under conditions for perfect and imperfect markets will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: (AGRI 2317 or AGEC 1233) and (AGRI 2322 (may be taken concurrently) or AGEC 2223 (may be taken concurrently)).
AGRI 2322 Food Distribution Systems: 3 semester hours.
Study of the nature and functions of the various components of wholesale and retail food distribution. Facility locations, transportation, warehousing, quality control, inventory control, pricing, and other related topics.
Prerequisites: (AGEC 1233 or AGRI 2317) and (AGEC 2213 or AGRI 2321).
AGRI 2342 Agricultural Machinery: 3 semester hours.
Identification of agricultural machines and equipment; accessories, attachments, and components of agricultural tractors; inspections, adjustments, and maintenance services; and career opportunities.
AGRI 2351 Animal Production and Marketing: 3 semester hours.
Systematic study of methods of breeding, feeding, marketing, sanitation and management of commercial animals (swine, beef and dairy cattle, horses, goats and sheep).
Prerequisites: (AGRI 1319 or ANSC 1513) and (AGRI 1327 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2523) and (AGRI 1311 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2533).
AGRI 2354 Diseases and Sanitation: 3 semester hours.
Clinical studies of the most common livestock diseases embracing anamnesis, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, therapeutics, and prophylaxis.
Prerequisites: (AGRI 1319 or ANSC 1513) and (AGRI 2351 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2513) and (AGRI 1311 (may be taken concurrently) or ANSC 2533).
AGRI 2360 Environmental Soil Science: 3 semester hours.
An introduction to soils, its components and its relationship the environment. The importance of soils to man, animals and plants. Import physical properties, role of soil constituents; origin, nature, and classification of parent materials; soil genesis, classification and survey; soil fertility and chemical properties; soils and chemical pollution; soils and the world's food supplements.
AGRI 2363 Forage and Pasture Management: 3 semester hours.
Use of forage in grassland agriculture, identification of forage grasses and legumes, cultural practices including weed control, mechanization of forage harvesting and storage; types of pastures, different systems of grazing management and utilization of forages by farm animals.
Prerequisites: AGRI 1370 or AGRO 1703.
AGRI 2373 Principles of Crop Production: 3 semester hours.
Crop characteristics and classifications, growth patterns, soil and climate requirements (Physiology), pest control, storage, distribution, and application of these principles to the management and production of field and vegetable crops for improved food, fiber, and forages.
Prerequisites: AGRI 1370 or AGRO 1703.