Animal Science (ANSC)


ANSC 2255 Poultry Tech & Marketing: 2 semester hours.

Factors affecting the physical, chemical, microbiological and functional characteristics of poultry and egg products. Product development, processing, quality packaging, and quality control concepts.
Prerequisites: ANSC 1513 or AGRI 1319.

ANSC 3350 Animal Nutrition: 3 semester hours.

Composition and digestibility of feed, with physiology, preparation, feeding standards, calculation and balancing rations for commercial animal (swine, cattle-beef and dairy, sheep, goats, and horses).
Prerequisites: ANSC 1513 or AGRI 1319.

ANSC 3351 Anatomy and Physiology: 3 semester hours.

Comparative approach, anatomically and physiologically of the basic systems of the domestic animals.

ANSC 3352 Meat Science: 3 semester hours.

Methods of slaughtering farm animals, processing, curing preservation and storage of meats and products.
Prerequisites: ANSC 1513 or AGRI 1319.

ANSC 3399 Independent Study: 3 semester hours.

Readings, research and/or field work on selected topics.

ANSC 3451 Anatomy and Physiology: 0-4 semester hour.

Comparative approach, anatomically and physiologically of the basic systems of domestic animals.
Prerequisites: AGRI 1319 or ANSC 1513.

ANSC 3699 Independent Study: 1-6 semester hour.

Readings, research and/or field work on selected topics.

ANSC 4353 Breeding/Genetics: 3 semester hours.

Physiology of reproduction, breeding, breeding systems and practices. Application of genetic principles to the problems of animal breeding. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Prerequisites: ANSC 1513 or AGRI 1319 and (ANSC 2513 or AGRI 2351).

ANSC 4399 Independent Study: 3 semester hours.

Readings, research and/or field work on selected topics.

ANSC 4499 Independent Study: 1-4 semester hour.

Readings, Research and/or field work on selected topics.