Juvenile Justice (JJUS)


JJUS 5311 Foundations of Criminal Justice: 3 semester hours.

An in-depth examination of the history and origin of the American criminal justice system as it relates to contemporary issues in the United States.

JJUS 5312 Foundations of Juvenile Justice: 3 semester hours.

An examination of the juvenile justice system: History, structure, and interrelationships among law enforcement, juvenile and adult courts, and juvenile corrections. Includes an exploration of federal, state, county, and local laws and programs; emphasizes case and statutory law, constitutional procedures, and the philosophy of parens patriae. Required of all MSJJ students.

JJUS 5322 Substance Abuse: 3 semester hours.

Provides a critical examination of various policy responses to the "drug problem" in the United States based upon a review of selected empirical and theoretical studies. Includes an overview of drug usage by youth and adults and the relationship between drug usage and juvenile crime.

JJUS 5324 Community Building and Organizing: 3 semester hours.

Includes an understanding of theories, methods of analysis, and techniques of intervention employed in pursuing community change. By studying juvenile justice agencies, child helping programs and organizations in the community, a special emphasis is placed on juvenile crime prevention. Techniques for the empowerment of people, problem solving, community building, discovering resources within the community and issues of volunteering are addressed.

JJUS 5325 Domestic and Family Violence: 3 semester hours.

Addresses types of family violence by examining the extent of the problem, factors contributing to violence, and the consequences of family violence upon the individual, family, community, and society. Emphasis is placed on prevention techniques, non-violent conflict resolution strategies, and programs and services for training and interventions.

JJUS 5326 Victimization: 3 semester hours.

This course examines victimization through a review of the history, theoretical explanations, and consequences of maltreatment and victimization. Throughout the course the risk factors, types, consequences as well as responses to maltreatment and victimization will be examined.

JJUS 5343 Correctional Programming: 3 semester hours.

Reviews the broad range of correctional programming options in the field of juvenile justice. Presents the theoretical foundations and empirical research that illuminates the most effective correctional programming of reducing juvenile delinquency and offending recidivism.

JJUS 5344 Alternatives to Incarceration: 3 semester hours.

A study of descriptive and inferential statistics, measures of central tendency and variability, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, simple and multiple regression and nonparametric methods. Students learn the use and value of each statistical technique.
Prerequisites: JJUS 5312 or JJUS 5123 and (JJUS 5376 or JJUS 5763) and (JJUS 5394 or JJUS 5943).

JJUS 5345 Law Enforcement and Juvenile Offenders: 3 semester hours.

This course examines multicultural issues in America and the relationship between juveniles and law enforcement. It broadly focuses on issues that relates law enforcement bias racial profiling.

JJUS 5352 Management of Juvenile Justice Organizations: 3 semester hours.

An examination of management and leadership principles as they apply to juvenile justice organizations and agencies. A special focus is placed on the study of government and nonprofit agencies.

JJUS 5376 Theories of Delinquency: 3 semester hours.

An in-depth analysis of selected theories of crime causation. Readings will include theories chosen from the sociological, economic, psychological, and biological literature. Required of all MSJJ students.

JJUS 5377 Courts and Youth Offenders: 3 semester hours.

This course is an examination of juvenile law and court processes relevant to youth offenders. A special focus is placed on Texas and U.S. Supreme Court cases.

JJUS 5378 Ethics: 3 semester hours.

The analytical and normative inquiry into the philosophical foundations of decisions. Emphasis is placed on understanding dilemmas faced by juvenile justice professionals.

JJUS 5391 Special Topics in Juvenile Justice: 3 semester hours.

A seminar designed to allow flexibility in master's student degree plans and to promote awareness and understanding of issues in Juvenile Justice as these develop.

JJUS 5394 Research Methods: 3 semester hours.

Includes defining and specifying research problems; developing and testing hypotheses; the logic of causal interference; learning to use the variety of research designs; sampling procedures; the collection, processing; and storing of research data; and the ethics of research.
Prerequisites: (JJUS 5312 or JJUS 5123) and (JJUS 5376 or JJUS 5763).

JJUS 5396 Applied Statistical Methods and Computing: 3 semester hours.

A study of descriptive and inferential statistics, measures of central tendency and variability, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, simple and multiple regression and nonparametric methods. Students learn the use and value of each statistical technique.
Prerequisites: JJUS 5312 or JJUS 5123 and (JJUS 5376 or JJUS 5763) and (JJUS 5394 or JJUS 5943).

JJUS 5397 Policy Analysis and Progam Evaluation: 3 semester hours.

Examines theories and methods of policy analysis and program evaluation relevant to juvenile justice agencies. Identifies the complex effects of policy change as well as techniques for developing a continuous capacity for program assessment in these agencies.

JJUS 5698 Thesis: 6 semester hours.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable master's thesis.

JJUS 7165 Seminar in Professional Development: 1 semester hour.

One hour workshops intended to provide Ph.D. students with the key skills for engaging in professional activities in becoming successful professionals. The primary focus is on the presentation of topics and strategies for a successful career in higher education, establishing personal professional goals and meeting the demands of the profession (teaching, service and research).

JJUS 7311 Juv Just Issu Pract: 3 semester hours.

Includes the history of juvenile justice, an overview of juvenile justice agencies and process, and an introduction to issues and trends in the field of juvenile justice. Introduces major questions and problems within the field of juvenile justice and juvenile crime prevention.

JJUS 7363 Comparative Juvenile Justice Systems:A Cross Cultural Perspective: 3 semester hours.

The course presents comparative perspective juvenile justice systems in different countries, with special emphasis on legal traditions and processing of juveniles by police, courts, and correctional systems.

JJUS 7364 Management and Administration: 3 semester hours.

Examination of management and administrative thought and practice as these relate to public agencies and private organizations of juvenile justice and youth and child service.

JJUS 7365 Seminar on Juvenile Corrections: 3 semester hours.

Examination of juvenile corrections in Texas and the nation, including the Texas Youth Commission, the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, county probation departments, juvenile parole, and private agencies. Discusses historical and national juvenile correctional trends.

JJUS 7366 Drugs, Youth and Society: 3 semester hours.

This course will provide a critical examination of the problem and various policy responses to the drug problem in the U.S. based on a review of selected empirical and theoretical studies. This course will provide a critical understanding of issues and problems related to substance use and abuse and its control as these relate to youth. A different topic will be discussed each week providing the student an opportunity to critically analyze the problem and policy responses.

JJUS 7367 The Juvenile Offender and Youth Gangs: 3 semester hours.

Explores the nature and extent of juvenile crime. Also considers the socialization of children, the creation of childhood and crime as social constructs, and the etiology of juvenile offending.

JJUS 7369 Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences: 3 semester hours.

Familiarizes students with the nature and utility of qualitative fieldwork in various areas of criminological research, emphasizing areas of juvenile justice.

JJUS 7371 Special Topics in Juvenile Justice: 3 semester hours.

A seminar designed to allow flexibility in doctoral student degree plans and to promote awareness and understanding of issues in juvenile justice as these develop.

JJUS 7374 Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Juvenile Justice: 3 semester hours.

This seminar provides a comprehensive examination of race and gender in the juvenile justice system. Theoretical perspectives and empirical research form the basis of the seminar. The course includes an examination of the intersection of gender and race and the underlying histrorical, social, economic, and cultural conditions that impact women and racial/ethnic minorities within the juvenile justice system.

JJUS 7376 Seminar on Juvenile Processing by Police and Courts: 3 semester hours.

Considers the processing of juvenile offenders by the juvenile justice system, with a special emphasis upon the juvenile offender's contacts with police officials and with the criminal courts. Compares and contrasts the processing of accused juveniles with the processing of accused adults.

JJUS 7378 Legal Aspects of Juvenile Justice: 3 semester hours.

Includes a study of the legal issues which commonly face administrators, managers, and employees of the juvenile justice system. Delves into public employment law, civil rights laws, and juvenile laws relating to the efficient functioning of agencies, and protections from lawsuits. Considers federal law and U. S. Supreme Court decisions relating to the legal rights of children as well as to the functioning of the juvenile justice system. Covers substantive and procedural issues relating to juvenile crime and delinquency. Compares and contrasts legal factors relating to juveniles with those relating to adults.

JJUS 7385 Prevention and Treatment of Crime and Delinquency: 3 semester hours.

Exploration and explanation of the theoretical development of juvenile crime prevention and treatment. The historical growth of juvenile crime prevention and models of juvenile crime control, community action programs, mentoring programs, and technology systems are examples of topics treated.

JJUS 7386 Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: 3 semester hours.

Explores theories and methods of organizational change with suggested applications to agencies and organizations related to the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems. Identifies methods of developing a continuous capacity for change in juvenile justice and criminal justice agencies. Discusses evaluation methodologies.

JJUS 7388 Youth Victimization: 3 semester hours.

This seminar provides a comprehensive examination of youth victimization. Theoretical perspectives and empirical research for the basis of the seminar's exploration of emerging issues related to youth victimization and maltreatment. The history, theoretical explanations, risk factors, types of youth victimizations well as the consequences of maltreatment and victimization will be critically assessed. The course will also include an evaluation of the current responses to youth victimization.

JJUS 7389 Advanced Seminar in Crime and Delinquency Theory: 3 semester hours.

Emphasizes analytical, critical evaluation of theory, particularly contemporary versions. Assumes that the student is knowledgeable of each of the major arguments for the causes and correlates of crime. Theory development, theory integration and techniques of theory construction will be examined.

JJUS 7392 Advanced Research Methods I: 3 semester hours.

Examines research designs most useful to juvenile justice problems. The primary focus is on quasi-experimental and survey methodologies, with discussion of data collection methods and construction of questionnaires, as well as validity and reliability.
Prerequisites: JJUS 5943 or JJUS 5394.

JJUS 7395 Advanced Research Methods II: 3 semester hours.

Examines research design problems in juvenile justice at an advanced level; use of sophisticated classical research designs and data-gathering techniques; analysis of problems related to sampling theory and procedures; application of mathematical models to problems in research design and analysis; use of techniques permitting causal inferences.
Prerequisites: JJUS 7392 or JJUS 7943 and (JJUS 7396 or JJUS 7963).

JJUS 7396 Advanced Statistical Techniques I: 3 semester hours.

Discusses nonparametric and parametric statistical techniques including various ordinal tests, multiple regression, logistic regression, discriminate analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation, factor analysis, cluster analysis, and multidimensional scaling.
Prerequisites: JJUS 5396 or JJUS 5963.

JJUS 7397 Advanced Statistical Techniques II: 3 semester hours.

Includes a survey of reliability analysis, log linear, and log it log linear analysis, nonlinear, weighted and two stage least-squares regression, profit analysis, time-series and survival analysis, and Cox regression.
Prerequisites: JJUS 7396 or JJUS 7963.

JJUS 7399 Independent Study: 1 semester hour.

Readings, research and/or field work on selected topics.

JJUS 8191 Dissertation: 1 semester hour.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable doctoral dissertation. May be repeated.

JJUS 8391 Dissertation I: 3 semester hours.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable doctoral dissertation. May be repeated.

JJUS 8392 Dissertation II: 3 semester hours.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable doctoral dissertation. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: JJUS 8391 or JJUS 8913.

JJUS 8393 Dissertation III: 3 semester hours.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable doctoral dissertation. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: JJUS 8392 (may be taken concurrently) or JJUS 8923 (may be taken concurrently).

JJUS 8394 Dissertation IV: 3 semester hours.

Independent and original research leading to an acceptable doctoral dissertation. May be repeated.
Prerequisites: JJUS 8393 (may be taken concurrently) or JJUS 8933 (may be taken concurrently).