Physical Science (PHSC)
PHSC 1112 Sci Lab: 1 semester hour.
Physical science laboratory course designed to enhance knowledge of basic principles of physical science and physical processes in our environment. Selected topics on physics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology and geology will be emphasized with attention directed to current applications and discoveries.
PHSC 1315 Physical Science I: 3 semester hours.
Emphasizes insight into basic physical science principles and practices. Topics include physics, chemistry, and earth science aspect dealing with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
PHSC 1317 Physical Science II: 3 semester hours.
An interdisciplinary examination of the physical and biological sciences. The course helps students understand how quantitative tools are used in modern scientific discovery. The course includes basic concepts of mechanics, chemistry, and astronomy.
Prerequisites: PHSC 1315 or PHSC 1123.
PHSC 3308 Science of Everyday: 3 semester hours.
A description of daily phenomena, demonstrating how science provides a basis for comprehending them and discusses relationships between various apparently unrelated phenomena.
PHSC 3322 Introduction to Atmospheric Science: 3 semester hours.
Structure of the atmosphere. Physical and chemical phenomena leading to atmospheric changes. Weather patterns and climate control. On-line Weather Studies course is included.
PHSC 4101 Earth Science Lab: 1 semester hour.
Laboratory to support PHSC 4013. Exercises include: classification of minerals and rock types; water testing and analysis; field work. Also covered will be online weather studies, analysis and interpretation of real-time meteorological data.
PHSC 4301 Earth Science: 3 semester hours.
Designed for science teachers in junior and senior high schools. It covers basic concepts of earth science and methods of teaching. The content covers a study of geology, meteorology, hydrology, petrology, and mineralogy. A study analysis and evaluation of some of the recent systems and techniques in the teaching of earth science. Elements from Online Weather Studies course are included.
Prerequisites: PHSC 1315 or PHSC 1123.
Co-requisite: PHSC 4101.
PHSC 4399 Independent Study: 1-3 semester hour.
Readings, research, and/or field work on selected topics.
PHSC 4402 Astronomy and Geology: 4 semester hours.
An introduction to earth science concepts with a more advanced approach involving research materials, including astronomy, geology, paleontology, and field experiences as content materials.