English (ENGL)
ENGL 0010 Writing Basics Lab I: 0 semester hours.
This is a basic writing course designed to focus on the basic elements of composition writing to include the writing process, writing mechanics, sentence structure, and paragraph writing. There is a strong emphasis on identifying correct sentence structure and mechanics in written material and drafting topic sentences that introduce unified, coherent paragraphs. Classroom instruction is enhanced by required lab-based activities.
ENGL 0021 Non-course Based Option I - Integrated Reading and Writing: 0 semester hours.
This non-course based option is designed to provide individualized integrated reading and writing instructions to students who did not successfully complete ENGL 0313-Integrated Reading and Writing II.
Prerequisites: ENGL 0313 or ENGL 0133.
ENGL 0030 Comp Writing Skills: 0 semester hours.
This course will enhance reading and writing skills with a major focus on the essay format. It will facilitate the student's writing proficiency with an emphasis on development of paragraphs, themes, and reports as needed for college level reading and writing
Co-requisite: ENGL 1301.
ENGL 0111 Integrated Reading & Writing Review Skills: 1 semester hour.
This course will enhance the student’s performance in Freshman Composition I. The learner will improve skills in critical thinking, grammar and mechanics, and sentence and paragraph writing. Students will also be introduced to and develop a basic understanding of rhetorical analysis and essay writing necessary for successful completion of Freshman Composition I. This course is a corequisite course for students who have not passed the Reading and/or English sections of the TSI and must be taken concurrently with Freshman Composition I.
Co-requisite: ENGL 1301.
ENGL 0311 Integrated Reading and Writing Review Skills: 1 semester hour.
This is an intermediate level reading and writing course designed to improve students ability to develop paragraphs, essays, and short themes.
ENGL 0313 Integrated Reading and Writing II: 3 semester hours.
This is an advanced reading and writing course designed to prepare students for Freshman Composition I. Topics include basic reading and advanced critical writing skills. Students will be expected to write compositions similar to those assigned in Freshman Composition I. Emphasis on use of enhanced editing skills, writing multi-paragraph essays, paraphrasing paragraphs and longer passages.
Prerequisites: (TSI DIAG MainIdea with a score of 04 and TSI DIAG AuthorLang with a score of 04 and TSI DIAG SentStruc with a score of 05 and TSI DIAG Agree with a score of 05) or ENGL 0311 or (TSI DIAG MainIdea with a score of 04 and TSI DIAG AuthorLang with a score of 04) or (TSI DIAG SentStruc with a score of 05 and TSI DIAG Agree with a score of 05).
ENGL 1001 Freshman Composition I Retrack: 0 semester hours.
A writing course focused on composing strong arguments through critical thinking and analysis of primary and secondary source material. The course emphasizes rhetorical awareness in writing essays for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students will actively participate in peer workshops and demonstrate awareness of general research methods and ethics.
ENGL 1301 Freshman Composition I: 3 semester hours.
A writing course focused on composing strong arguments through critical thinking and analysis of primary and secondary source material. The course emphasizes rhetorical awareness in writing essays for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students will actively participate in peer workshops and demonstrate awareness of general research methods and ethics.
ENGL 1302 Freshman Composition II: 3 semester hours.
A writing course that emphasizes rhetorical analysis and critical thinking, advanced research and documentation, and writing extended arguments for academic audiences. Students will actively participate in peer workshops and demonstrate an awareness of academic research methods and ethics.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 2307 Introduction to Creative Writing: 3 semester hours.
Introductory course in three fundamental creative forms: poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 2311 Technical and Business Writing: 3 semester hours.
Application of principles of composition and rhetoric to genres of scientific and technical writing including proposals, formal reports, presentations, business and scientific correspondence, manuals, technical articles and reports. Students will undertake a full-scale project through proposal and research with formal oral and written presentations of a documented technical project from the student's major field of study.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 2314 Advanced Composition: 3 semester hours.
Study and practice of advanced academic reading and writing through cultural studies, research projects, and critical, rhetorical, and literary analysis.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 2322 British Literature I: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of poetry, prose, and drama from the Anglo-Saxon to the Neoclassical period, emphasizing their historical and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 2323 British Literature II: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of poetry, prose, and drama from the neoclassical period to the present, emphasizing their historical and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 2324 Introduction to African Literature: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of the development of African literature, emphasizing historical and cultural contexts, and literary analysis.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 2325 Adolescent Literature: 3 semester hours.
This course provides a theoretical base for analyzing the content and structure of popular and classical adolescent literature. It emphasizes content, imaginative structures, cultural issues, and the influence of various adolescent texts on other literary forms and on literary history.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123 and (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133).
ENGL 2327 American Literature I: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of the colonial period to 1865, including poetry, prose, and drama in their historical and cultural contexts.
Prerequisites: (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133) or (ENGL 2311 or ENGL 1143).
ENGL 2328 American Literature II: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of the period 1865 to the present, including poetry, prose, and drama in their historical and cultural contents.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 2330 Introduction to Film: 3 semester hours.
Introducing students to the terminology, concepts, history, and criticism of film, this course enables students to critically examine film as a text within its social, cultural, and historical contexts.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 2331 Survey of World Literature: 3 semester hours.
A survey of representative works and translations of major authors and texts from the earliest literature to the present and from various world cultures.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 2334 Studies in Literature: 3 semester hours.
Study of prose or verse in an area unified by period, theme, language source, or nation of origin, consisting of multiple genres. This course introduces students to studies in such areas as genre, literary movements, gender, and ethnic literatures.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 2341 Introduction to Literature: 3 semester hours.
Introductory study of the form, structure, and content of literary genres; interpretation and analytical thinking and intensive writing about literature.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1123.
ENGL 3302 Creative Writing Practices: 3 semester hours.
An intermediate course that focuses on the practices and techniques of creative writing, with special attention to
the three fundamental creative forms: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The course also covers effective strategies
for teaching creative writing and using creative writing as a pedagogical tool within other disciplines.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3304 Professional Writing for Electronic Media: 3 semester hours.
Application of principles of effective professional writing to the planning, production, and evaluation of electronic media, emphasizing writing that employs new forms of electronic communication such as electronic mail, web pages, and other dynamic interactive modes.
Prerequisites: (ENGL 2311 or ENGL 1143) or (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133).
ENGL 3305 Survey of African-American Literature: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of selected oral and written poetry, prose, and drama dealing with the African American experience from the colonial period to the present, emphasizing historical and cultural context and literary analysis.
Prerequisites: (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133) or (ENGL 2311 or ENGL 1143).
ENGL 3306 Studies in African-American Literature: 3 semester hours.
Comprehensive critical examination of the works of a single writer, group of writers, literary genre, significant period or periods, emphasizing historical and cultural context and literary analysis.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3307 Writing for Legal Professions: 3 semester hours.
Application of principles of effective professional writing as well as legal research and reasoning to the production of well-structured and well-written documents related to the legal professions, including but not limited to case briefs, legal memoranda, and legal correspondence.
Prerequisites: (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133) or (ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311).
ENGL 3308 Literature of the African Diaspora: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of fiction, poetry, drama, folktales, and other literatures produced by people of African descent from around the globe, including but not limited to Europe, the Americas, the Caribbean, Asia, and the South Pacific. Texts may span the precolonial, colonial, and postcolonial periods and cover a wide range of themes related to the Black experience within global communities.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3315 Literary Theory and Criticism: 3 semester hours.
A study of theoretical texts and the critical methods essential to textual analysis. The course will emphasize applications of literary theory and criticism in the interpretation of poetry, fiction, and drama.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 3322 Advanced Grammar: 3 semester hours.
Study of morphology, syntax, and semantics of the English language, conventional grammatical terminology, inflectional forms, grammatical classifications, and structural patterns.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 3324 Studies in American Literature: 3 semester hours.
Comprehensive critical examination of the works of a group of writers, literary genre, theme, significant period or periods, emphasizing historical and cultural context and literary analysis.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3330 Fiction Writing Workshop: 3 semester hours.
A workshop course focused on the fundamentals of writing fiction, with an emphasis on short fiction. Students will study the craft of writing fiction as exemplified within contemporary examples and will produce original fiction through workshop sessions covering all stages of the writing process, including brainstorming, planning, drafting, peer review, revision, and editing.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3334 Poetry Writing Workshop: 3 semester hours.
A workshop course focused on the fundamentals of writing poetry of various forms. Students will study the craft of writing poetry as exemplified writing contemporary examples and will produce original poetry through workshop sessions covering all stages of the writing process, including brainstorming, planning, drafting, peer review, revision, and editing.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 3399 Independent Study: 1-3 semester hour.
Readings, research, and /or field work on selected topics at the 3000 level.
ENGL 4300 Studies in Teaching ELAR: 3 semester hours.
Advanced course on pedagogy and best practices for teaching English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) for grades 7-12 based on current NCTE
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133.
ENGL 4322 Shakespeare: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of Shakespeare's representative comedies, histories, and tragedies, emphasizing a study of their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. Course may include his non-dramatic works.
Prerequisites: (ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133) or (ENGL 2311 or ENGL 1143).
ENGL 4326 Toni Morrison: 3 semester hours.
Critical examination of the works of Toni Morrison, emphasizing a study of their historical, cultural, and literary contexts.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 1133 or ENGL 1143 or ENGL 2311.
ENGL 4343 Special Topics in English: 3 semester hours.
Seminar offers a critical examination of a topic within the instructor's field of specialization. Emphasis on scholarly analysis and research allows students to demonstrate the capacity to bring information, skills, and ideas acquired from the English major and various curricula to bear on a major project. May be repeated once for credit when the topic varies.
Prerequisites: ENGL 3315 or ENGL 3153 or ENGL 3305 or ENGL 3053 or ENGL 3306 or ENGL 3063 or ENGL 3243 or ENGL 3324.
ENGL 4399 Independent Study: 1-3 semester hour.
Readings, research, and/or field work on selected topics.