Reading (RDNG)


RDNG 0010 Reading Basics Lab: 0 semester hours.

This is a basic reading course designed to improve students' overall basic reading and critical reading skills. Emphasis is on reading comprehension, vocabulary development, study techniques, and critical thinking skills. Classroom instruction is enhanced by required lab-based activities.

RDNG 3360 Evaluation of Reading Performance: 3 semester hours.

Application of basic measurement and evaluation techniques to reading performance.

RDNG 3361 Language Arts: 3 semester hours.

Highlights conditions necessary for children's best development in the language arts; materials and procedures for improving the quality of instruction. This course will emphasize oral and handwritten expression, listening, spelling, and handwriting.

RDNG 3362 Linguistics in Reading Instruction: 3 semester hours.

A study of the relationships between language dialect, linguistics phonics, and reading. Applications of linguistics to reading.

RDNG 3364 Methods of Teaching Elementary Reading: 3 semester hours.

Analysis of various approaches and methods used in teaching reading in the elementary grades.

RDNG 4363 Developmental Reading: 3 semester hours.

Strategies for sequential skills development in basic reading instruction to emphasize identification of reading levels, and auditory and visual diagnosis.

RDNG 4364 Children's Literature: 3 semester hours.

The reading and evaluation of children's literature to include information about children's books, to develop children's interests in reading, authors, illustrators, and to solve problems in guidance of reading.

RDNG 4365 Foundations of Reading Instruction: 3 semester hours.

Stages in the development of reading ability. Emphasis of readiness, experiential backgrounds, individual needs and interests and enrichment.

RDNG 4367 Clinical and Laboratory Experiences in Reading: 3 semester hours.

Preparation, review, and analysis of case studies, research reports, trends, and issues in the teaching of reading.

RDNG 5361 Teaching Reading in the Elementary Grades: 3 semester hours.

Detailed consideration of problems involved in selection of content, grade placement, methods, and materials, and the evaluation of achievement.

RDNG 5362 Psychology of Reading and Reading Difficulties: 3 semester hours.

An examination of social and psychological factors related to success and failure in learning to read.

RDNG 5363 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools: 3 semester hours.

Instructional approaches to reading in the secondary school. Planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating instructional procedures and outcomes.

RDNG 5364 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties: 3 semester hours.

Diagnostic devices and techniques for identifying strengths and weaknesses in reading. Prescriptive techniques for overcoming difficulties in reading.

RDNG 5366 Clinical Experiences in Reading: 3 semester hours.

Case study analysis, seminars, and field experiences in school classrooms.

RDNG 5367 Issues, Problems and Trends in Reading: 3 semester hours.

Study of historical, current and future issues, problems and trends in reading at the elementary and secondary school levels.