Department of Mechanical Engineering, Undergraduate

The goal of the Mechanical Engineering Program is to produce industrial, scientific, and technological leaders capable of systematically identifying, addressing, and solving technical problems whose solutions will benefit society. Specific educational objectives of the Mechanical Engineering Program are to produce graduates who will:

  1. Have successful careers in engineering and related fields;
  2. Advance their careers through increasing levels of responsibilities and leadership;
  3. Successfully pursue graduate or advanced professional degrees and continuing professional development; and
  4. Actively participate in professional and community, university and alumni services.

Eligibility to Take Upper Division College Courses

The Roy G. Perry College of Engineering requires an eligibility standard for the students to take upper-division college courses. Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in all lower division (1000 and 2000 level) courses in English, Mathematics, Science, and Engineering to be eligible to enroll in upper-division (3000 or 4000 level) courses in the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering. Students in the Mechanical Engineering Program must complete a prescribed list of courses in the following with a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 to be eligible to enroll in upper-division (3000 or 4000 level) courses in the College. Students transferring to the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering with 60 or more semester hours from another institution will be allowed a period of one semester to comply.

CHEM 1403Chemistry for Engineers4
CHEM 1112General Chemistry Lab II1
ENGL 2311Technical and Business Writing3
PHYS 2325
PHYS 2125
University Physics I
and University Physics Lab I
MATH 2413Calculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 2414Calculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MCEG 1101Intro Engr Cs Tech1
MCEG 1102Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design Lab I1
ELEG 1304Computer Applications in Engineering3