The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for establishing and enforcing policies and procedures that promote academic and student success at Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU). As a component of the academic leadership team of the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Undergraduate Studies also provides support to undergraduate students by responding to the academic and professional needs of the PVAMU undergraduate.
The tabs included on this page include topics relating to most students. For items specific to Graduate level students, please select the appropriate tab on the left.
University Administrative Guidelines on Academic Integrity
The commitment to maintaining an atmosphere of intellectual integrity and academic honesty is an essential feature of the Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) experience. Students choosing to join this academic community are obligated to perpetuate a long legacy of being a proud, productive Panther. Students are expected to commit themselves to truthfulness and the highest standards of academic integrity as an important aspect of personal integrity.
The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement apply to all undergraduate and graduate students enrolled or otherwise participating in PVAMU courses, practicums, seminars, and other educational experiences. The Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement are essential to the honor system's success and will be facilitated through various avenues. All Prairie View A&M University students have the responsibility to know and observe the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement.
Panther Code of Honor
All members of the Prairie View A&M University community should conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a community of scholars. All students are expected to follow all laws and regulations while maintaining absolute integrity and a high standard of individual honor in scholastic work and personal interaction
PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement
"I will abstain from dishonesty in all scholastic work."
Student and Instructor Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Students are responsible for awareness of the University's Administrative Guidelines on Academic Integrity and demonstrating moral and ethical behavior in their academic work. Such behavior includes:
- Adhering to the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement;
- Following the instructor's rules and processes related to academic integrity as directed in the course syllabus and related course documents;
- Asking the instructor for clarification if the standards of academic performance are not clear;
- Asking the instructor for clarification if the syllabus, assignments, or grading policies are unclear;
- Helping to foster a campus environment where academic integrity is expected and respected; and
- Treating each other with courtesy and respect and helping to foster a classroom environment in which all students are treated with courtesy and respect.
Students are required to add the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement and their signature to each academic assignment to reinforce and affirm their adherence to the Panther Code of Honor (signature can be wet-signed or electronic). Students are asked to affirm their awareness of the Panther Code of Honor at various points during the academic semester. This affirmation reminds students that they have already agreed to adhere to academic integrity standards, as outlined in the PVAMU Student Handbook.
Instructor Responsibilities
Faculty are responsible for being aware of the University Administrative Guidelines on Academic Integrity and contributing to student development by promoting academic integrity, addressing dishonesty, and developing ethical reasoning. Such behavior includes:
- Providing a clear and complete syllabus that describes course expectations, guidelines, and standards of performance, as well as those of the University that concern academic integrity;
- Holding students responsible for knowing these expectations and guidelines;
- Fostering an environment where academic integrity is expected and respected;
- Detecting and properly handling breaches of academic integrity;
- Fostering a classroom environment in which all students are treated with courtesy and respect;
- Evaluating student work based on its academic merit;
- Giving students timely and honest feedback; and
- Being available to discuss appropriate academic matters.
Regulation of academic dishonesty is the direct responsibility of the instructor. However, students are not excused from complying with the Panther Code of Honor and the PVAMU Honor Affirmation Statement because an instructor did not prevent academic dishonesty.
Prohibited Conduct
Academic dishonesty is defined as any form of cheating or dishonesty that has the effect or intent of interfering with any academic exercise or fair evaluation of a student's performance. The college faculty can provide additional information, particularly related to a specific course, laboratory, or assignment.
The following are examples of prohibited conduct. This list is not designed to be all-inclusive or exhaustive. In addition to academic sanctions, any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following academic misconduct may also be subject to disciplinary review and action as outlined in the PVAMU Student Handbook.
The Panther Code of Honor prohibits cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to:
- Cheating: Deception in which a student misrepresents that he/she has mastered information on an academic exercise that he/she has not learned, giving or receiving aid unauthorized by the instructor on assignments or examinations. Examples: unauthorized use of notes for a test; using a "cheat sheet" on a quiz or exam; any alteration made on a graded test or exam which is then resubmitted to the teacher;
- Plagiarism: Careless or deliberate use of the work or the ideas of another; representation of another's work, words, ideas, or data as your own without permission or appropriate acknowledgment. Examples: copying another's paper or answers, failure to identify information or essays from the Internet and submitting or representing it as your own; submitting an assignment which has been partially or wholly done by another and claiming it as yours; not properly acknowledging a source which has been summarized or paraphrased in your work; failure to acknowledge the use of another's words with quotation marks;
- Collusion: When more than one student or person contributes to a piece of work that is submitted as the work of an individual;
- Conspiracy: Agreeing with one or more persons to commit an act of academic/scholastic dishonesty; and
- Multiple Submission: Submission of work from one course to satisfy a requirement in another course without explicit permission. Example: using a paper prepared and graded for credit in one course to fulfill a requirement and receive credit in a different course.
Ignorance of these guidelines does not constitute a valid defense if a student is charged with cheating, plagiarism, or another violation.
University Procedures on Academic Dishonesty
Course credit, degrees, and certificates are to be earned by students and may not be obtained through acts of dishonesty. Students are prohibited from participating in acts of academic dishonesty, which includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, tampering with records, or falsifying information. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who, alone or with others, engages in any act of academic fraud or deceit. The University's policy on academic dishonesty is stated below:
It is the responsibility of students and faculty members to maintain academic integrity at the University by refusing to participate in or tolerate academic dishonesty.
Reporting a Violation of Academic Integrity
Instructor of record means the faculty member or graduate teaching assistant responsible for the course or course section in which the academic dishonesty is alleged to have occurred. If the instructor of record suspects that an Honor Code violation has occurred, the instructor should fill out the "Honor Code Violation/Resolution Report Form" and contact the department head of the course in which the violation took place, and the department head of the student's major to discuss the situation and the Honor Code Process. The instructor has two options, namely,
- Resolve the case through the Faculty-Student Resolution process and report the outcome to the Office of Academic Affairs (Level I and Level II Violations), or
- Ask the Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB) to investigate and resolve this alleged violation of the Honor Code (Level III and Level IV Violations).
Instructors are required to report all cases of documented misconduct to the AIRB. In a case where the student accused of a violation of the Honor Code has no previous record of academic misconduct, an instructor has the option of meeting with the student to resolve the incident using the Faculty-Student Resolution process. The instructor must meet with a student prior to assigning a sanction. A student may also choose not to participate in the Faculty-Student Resolution process or disagree with the sanction. In these situations, their case will be referred directly to the AIRB; this process may include a hearing panel or an administrative meeting, given the particular circumstances of the case.
Student Rights and Responsibilities in Academic Dishonesty Cases
Students have the right to accept the decision of the instructor for a particular offense. This does not preclude review of records for past offenses and imposition of penalty for accumulated violations. Students shall be afforded the following rights in the hearing conducted by the instructor or academic integrity review committee:
- Right to a written notice of the charges at least three (3) working days before the hearing may proceed.
- Right to waive the three (3) day notice of charges.
- Right to reasonable access to the case file.
- Right to review all evidence and question any witness against the student.
- Right to present evidence and/or witnesses on his/her own behalf.
- Right to have an observer present during the hearing. The observer cannot be a witness in the hearing or represent the student in the hearing.
- Right to appeal the disciplinary recommendation to the Office of the Provost.
If the student wishes to have a representative (advisor, parent, etc.) present at a hearing before an instructor or academic integrity review committee, he or she may do so. In rare cases, if the student wishes to have an attorney present, the University official will be afforded the same opportunity to have equal representation present.
If the student wishes to appeal a recommendation made by the instructor and/or academic integrity review committee, he/she must provide written notice to the proper level within five (5) working days of receiving notice of the recommendation. Students who do not submit his/her request by the date specified in the decision letter waives his/her opportunity to appeal.
Academic Dishonesty Offenses
Committing any of the following acts shall constitute academic dishonesty. This listing is not exclusive of any other acts that may reasonably be determined to constitute academic dishonesty. The penalty for an offense, whether first or later, will generally range from a letter of reprimand to expulsion, depending upon the severity of the offense. The University also has the right to rescind course credit, degrees, and/or certificates awarded if it is determined that these were obtained by actions that violate the University policy on academic honesty.
Offense: Cheating
- Taking notes into an 'unseen' exam.
- Copying another student's work.
- Letting another student copy your work
- Getting someone else to sit an exam for you.
Offense: Plagiarism and Multiple Submissions
- Failing to credit sources used in a work or product in an attempt to pass off the work as one's own.
- Attempting to receive credit for work performed by another, including papers obtained in whole or in part from individuals or other sources.
- Attempting to receive credit in one or more classes for the same paper or project without the written approval of instructors involved.
Offense: Collusion
- Completing and submitting individual assignments or work with a partner or group without expressed permission.
Offense: Conspiracy
- Agreeing with one or more persons to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
Offense: Acquiring Information
- Acquiring answers for an assigned work or examination from unauthorized sources, including but not limited to another student present, use of phone, calculator, smartwatch, any form of communication, CHEG.com.
- Working with another person or persons on an assignment or examination when not specifically permitted by the instructor.
- Copying the work of other students during an examination.
Offense: Providing Information
- Providing answers for an assigned work or examination when not explicitly authorized to do so.
- Informing a person of the contents of an examination prior to the time the examination is given.
Offense: Fabrication of Information
- The falsification of the results obtained from a research or laboratory experiment.
- The written or oral presentation of research or laboratory experiments results without the research or laboratory experiments having been performed.
Offense: Misrepresentations, Alterations of Documents and Forgery
- Taking an examination for another person or allowing someone to take an examination for you.
- Signing an attendance sheet for another student or committing similar acts of impersonation.
- The changing of admissions data, test results, transcripts, grade reports, or other documents.
Offense/Violation Levels and Recommended Disciplinary Actions and Sanctions
The Office of Academic Affairs and the Academic Integrity Review Board (AIRB) classifies academic misconduct into four (4) offense/violation levels and recommends four (4) possible sanction levels based upon the seriousness of the violation. Academic sanctions, levied by faculty, range from a warning or reduced grade on a single assignment to failure in the course. When a faculty member believes that the student's behavior raises questions about the student's continued involvement in the academic department, or that the student's behavior is so egregious that an academic sanction is not sufficient, the faculty member will refer the case to the AIRB. If it is found that the student has a history of academic misconduct or if the situation is severe enough, the AIRB may choose additional disciplinary sanctions such as probation, dismissal, suspension, or expulsion from the University. No disciplinary action shall become effective against the student until the student has received procedural due process. Faculty should defer to the AIRB for more information. For additional information regarding academic sanctions and definitions please visit the PVAMU Code of Student Conduct.
Below are the brief definitions of the four offense/violation levels that can be enforced by faculty or the AIRB for breaches of the Academic Honor Code, depending on the severity of the academic infraction:
- Level One (Minor Offenses) – In general, Level One offenses involve ignorance or errors in judgment. A Level One offense may occur because of inexperience or lack of knowledge of principles of academic integrity. These violations are likely to involve a small fraction of the total course work, are not extensive, and/or occur on a minor assignment.
- Level Two (Moderate Offenses) – In general, Level Two offenses are unintentional dishonest acts of academic misconduct*. Level Two violations are characterized by dishonesty of a more severe nature or deceit that affects a more significant aspect or portion of the course work than Level One's offenses. The instructor may investigate and adjudicate Level One or Level Two cases following departmental and or college procedures.
- Level Three (Major Offenses) – In general, Level Three offenses are substantial dishonest acts of academic misconduct. Level Three violations include deceit that involves a significant or essential portion of work done to meet course requirements or is preceded by one or more violations at Levels One and Two.
- Level Four (Severe/Egregious Offenses) – Level Four offenses represent the most severe or egregious breaches of intellectual honesty and academic integrity. These violations are serious breaches of conduct, may involve a serious violation of a professional code of conduct, may include extreme cases of dishonesty and maliciousness, and/or conduct that is also a violation of criminal law.
The AIRB hears all Level Three and Level Four cases. When a student is accused of one or more Level Three or Level Four violations that include alleged violations of criminal law, these cases will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.
* Note, even if a student unintentionally uses another person's work improperly or does something unauthorized while completing an academic activity, he or she is still guilty of academic dishonesty. Instructors have the responsibility to educate students on these issues in order to promote academic integrity.
The provisions in these guidelines do not constitute a contract, express or implied, between any applicant, student, faculty, or staff member of Prairie View A&M University. These guidelines are for informational purposes only. The University reserves the right to change or alter any statement herein without prior notice. These guidelines should not be interpreted to allow a student that begins his or her education under these guidelines to continue his/her entire academic career under the provisions contained in these guidelines.
Detailed information about the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity can be found by visiting the Office of Academic Affairs.
Class Attendance Policy
Prairie View A&M University requires regular class attendance. Attending all classes supports full academic development of each learner whether classes are taught with the instructor physically present or via distance learning technologies such as interactive video and/or internet.
Excessive absenteeism, whether excused or unexcused, may result in a student’s course grade being reduced or in assignment of a grade of “F”. Absences are accumulated beginning with the first day of class during regular semesters and summer terms. Each faculty member will include the University’s attendance policy in each course syllabus.
Excused Absences
Absences due to illness, attendance at university approved activities, and family or other emergencies constitute excused absences and must be supported by documentation presented to the instructor prior to or immediately upon the student’s return to class. Students are always responsible for all oral and written examinations as well as all assignments (e.g., projects, papers, reports).
Excessive Absences
Accumulation of one week of unexcused absences (for the number of clock hours equivalent to the credit for the course) constitutes excessive absenteeism. The instructor is not required to accept assignments as part of the course requirement when the student’s absence is unexcused.
Religious Holy Day Absences
In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 51.925, sub-chapter (Z), a student may be absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day and will be permitted to take missed examinations and complete missed assignments provided the student has notified the instructor of the planned absence in writing and receipt of the notice has been acknowledged by the instructor in writing. “A religious holy day means a holy day observed by a religion whose place of worship is exempt from property taxation under the Texas Tax Code, Section 11.20.”
Title IX: Pregnancy & Related Conditions
In the case of a student who does not otherwise qualify for leave under the university’s incomplete policy, the university shall treat pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and recovery therefrom as a justification for a leave of absence for so long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by the student’s physician, at the conclusion of which the student shall be reinstated to the status which she held when the leave began.
Absence for Military Service
Per Texas Education Code Section 51.9111 Excused Absence for Active Military Service, Prairie View A&M University shall excuse a student from attending classes, including distance education and other online courses, or engaging in other required activities, including examinations, in order for the student to participate in active military service to which the student is called, including travel associated with the service. A student so excused may not be penalized for that absence and must be allowed to complete assignments or take examinations within a reasonable time after the absence. If the course requirements are not met by the end of the semester in which the student is called to active military service, the grade of “I” may be awarded. Standard academic regulations relating to grades of “I” will apply, as well as university policy on grade grievances and appeals, in the event of such disputes. The maximum period for which a student may be excused is 25% of the total number of class meetings or the contact hour equivalent (not including the final examination period) for the specific course or courses. A student called to active duty also has the option to request a Military Withdrawal as outlined in the University Academic Catalog.
If additional information is needed, contact the Veterans Services Office at (936) 261-3563.
Grading/Class Related Appeals
Generally, student complaints about grades or other class related performance assessments can be addressed by the instructor of record and the student. When that cannot be achieved, the student may have his/her complaint addressed by the procedure outlined below. Faculty, other classroom professionals, and students’ rights are to be protected and their human dignity respected. Grading and other class related complaints are to be filed initially within thirty (30) days following the alleged precipitating action on which the complaint is based. Except where extenuating circumstances render it unreasonable, the outcome of a complaint that reaches the level of department head or program director in architecture and construction science (exception Dean of Architecture and of Nursing) will be reviewed within thirty (30) days and a written notification of outcome will be provided to the student. Where a complaint must be reviewed at each level, the entire process should be completed within ninety (90) days of receipt of the complaint.
In those instances where students believe that miscommunication, errors, or unfairness of any kind may have adversely affected the instructor’s assessment of their academic performance, the student has a right to appeal by following the procedure listed and by doing so within thirty (30) days of receiving the grade or experiencing any other problematic academic event that prompted the complaint:
- The student should meet with the instructor of record, preferably during his/her office hours, to present the grievance and any supporting documentation that the grade or outcome of a class related concern should have been different. A student may also initiate an official grade appeal with an electronic communication to the instructor or by completing a college appeal document, when applicable.
- If the instructor is no longer at the university or if the subject of the grievance arises when faculty are not expected to be on duty for a week or more, the student should report to his or her advisor or the absent faculty member’s immediate supervisor (department head, or program director in architecture and construction science if in School of Architecture or College of Nursing).
- If the issue is not resolved at the faculty level and the student wishes to pursue the issue beyond the instructor, he/she should meet with his/her academic advisor even if the grade or other issue is not in the department, division, school, or college in which the student’s class is being offered. The advisor will assist appropriately, but if unable to negotiate an agreement between the student and his/her instructor, will direct the student to follow each level of the appeals procedures items 4 through 10 below.
- If no agreement can be reached following discussion among the advisor, the student, and the instructor, the student should write a letter to the instructor’s immediate supervisor. In the School of Architecture or School of Nursing, the Dean should be contacted; in all other colleges the immediate supervisor of faculty, teaching assistants, laboratory assistants and other classroom professionals is the department or division head. The letter or form should present the grievance, the rationale for it, and the remedy sought. The letter or form should be sent at least one week prior to the student’s scheduled appointment to meet with the instructor’s immediate supervisor.
- If the instructor’s immediate supervisor cannot resolve the issue to the student’s satisfaction and the student wishes to pursue the matter, the instructor’s immediate supervisor will refer the matter to a three to five person faculty appeals panel, one of whom must be a part-time faculty person if part-time faculty members are employed in the department, school or college. The panel will review the grievance and make a recommendation to the instructor’s immediate supervisor.
- If no agreement is reached and the student decides to appeal the matter further, he/she should send a letter or any published form used for this purpose to the person above the instructor’s immediate supervisor.
- If the student believes that the decision of the highest official in the College or School, the dean, deserves further review due to flaws in the previous reviews or due to his/her having information of such nature as to potentially impact the outcome, the student should provide a written request for review to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will employ a review process appropriate to the situation and notify the dean of the outcome. The Dean will then notify the student of the outcome. A decision that has reached review by the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee is final.
- Grading and other class related academic issues are referred in writing to the Office of the President only in instances where a preponderance of the evidence reveals that a student’s Constitutional rights or human dignity may have been violated. The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will transmit to the President the entire record of reviews conducted at each level if requested by the President following his/her receipt of the student’s written appeal. The President will employ a review process appropriate to the matter presented and notify the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and dean of the outcome. The Dean will then notify the student of the outcome.
If the class related complaint is related to issues including but not limited to sexual harassment, violence, drug use, possession of firearms, or other behaviors prohibited by federal law, state law, Texas A&M University System policy or University regulations, the student may select one of the following options:
Report the incident, in writing, to the instructor’s or other classroom professional’s immediate supervisor (department head, division head, or dean), or
Report the incident, in writing, to the Director of Human Resources in W.R. Banks Building, Room 122 or to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs in A.I. Thomas Building, Room 214.
- If the class related complaint involves another student(s) and is related to issues including, but not limited to sexual harassment, violence, drug use, possession of firearms, or other behaviors prohibited by federal law, state law, Texas A&M University System policy, or University regulations, the student should report the incident to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Classification of Students
Freshman: A student who has enrolled in regular college work but has earned fewer than 30 semester credit hours. Developmental/Remedial/Study Skills courses do count towards full-time status and course loads, but not classification.
Sophomore: A student who has earned 30 to 59 semester credit hours.
Junior: A student who has earned 60 to 89 semester credit hours.
Senior: A student who has earned at least 90 semester credit hours.
Courses and Credits
The Course Numbering System
Beginning with the 1984-85 academic year, Prairie View A&M University moved from a three-digit to a four-digit course numbering system. Under the new system, the first digit represents the course level (i.e., below college level/developmental 0, freshman 1, sophomore 2, junior 3, senior 4, and masters 5, doctoral 7). Effective Fall 2021, the second digit indicates the credit hour value of the course.
Unit of Credit
The unit of credit used at Prairie View A&M University is the semester hour. A semester hour is the equivalent of one lecture contact hour per week for one semester. Time requirements for the semester credit hour in activities other than lectures vary according to the nature and objectives of the activities.
The federal definition of the credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency. Please follow the link to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) below for more information: www.sacscoc.org
Course Loads
The normal full-time course load ranges from 12 semester hours to 18 semester hours per semester during the regular academic year and six semester hours during a five-week summer term. Undergraduate students required to enroll in one or more developmental courses as a result of placement examinations are restricted to a maximum of 15 credit hour course load in a regular semester and 6 semester hours in a five-week summer term. The total credit hours earned for the two summer sessions may not exceed twelve. Undergraduate students conditionally admitted are restricted to 12 semester credit hours in fall and/or spring semesters.
Course Overloads
Undergraduate students with a 3.0 GPA or higher may be allowed to take a maximum of 21 semester credit hours during any fall and/or spring semester. Taking courses simultaneously at another institution or by distance education which would cause the student’s total workload to exceed the maximum overload will not be permitted. If a student persists in registering at another institution without the approval of the Dean of the respective college or school, the work taken may not be acceptable for transfer to Prairie View A&M University.
Registration and Advising
Registration is the selection of classes following appropriate advisement. A student has not completed registration and is not entitled to University privileges until required fees have been paid. Persons planning to register for classes at Prairie View A&M University for the first time or who are returning to the University after being disenrolled for one or more previous regular semesters (fall or spring) should be sure that they have met the University’s admission requirements. While it is recommended that students provide immunization documentation to include TB screening, documentation of meningitis vaccination is required. Applicants for any category of admission will not be permitted to register in courses offered at the main campus in Prairie View, Texas, or at any distant site where courses are offered, if admissions requirements have not been met. Students are to be advised and obtain an alternate PIN number and register for courses online through PantherTracks.
First-time, full-time freshmen, including those admitted to the University Scholars Program, and transfer students who have earned less than 24 credit hours, are initially advised, tested, and registered in their departments to ensure appropriate advisement and to facilitate the registration process. Transfer students who have earned 24 or more credits and have satisfied their Texas Success Initiative requirements will be advised and registered in their respective major departments. Transfer students who have earned 24 or more credits but have not satisfied their Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements will be required to report to Testing Services for TSI advisement and registration in appropriate developmental classes prior to advisement and registration in their major departments. For questions about the state-mandated test, co-requisite courses, or academic support, contact the Office of Academic Engagement and Student Success.
If the student selects a second major or selects a minor, the student should meet with an advisor in the department, school, or college offering the second major or minor.
Independent Study Courses
Independent study courses are permitted on a highly selective need basis. Any student enrolling in an independent study course must have the prior approval of the supervising faculty member, the Department Head in which the course is to be taken, the Dean of the College, and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Independent study is for courses in the existing course inventory and granted for extenuating situations. No more than 6 such credit hours may be counted toward a degree.
Scheduling of Courses
In case a section is dropped because of insufficient enrollment, a student may add other courses approved by his/her advisor by the published deadline, as noted in the academic calendar.
Course Auditing
When space is available and the Department Head and Dean consent, any person may audit a course. An individual sixty-five years of age or older is exempt from paying the fee. Credit is not awarded for any audited course. Individuals who audit courses do not submit papers, take examinations, participate in discussions, or receive evaluations in courses audited. Those wishing to audit may register only after late registration but prior to the 12th class day of a regular semester or the 4th class day of a summer session. A student who audits a course may not change registration during the semester to take the course for credit.
Degree Majors and Minors
All students must complete the requirements of an academic major. Many academic departments also require students to complete the requirements of a minor prior to graduation. Minors require 18 to 28 semester credit hours. Students should declare a major, using appropriate forms that are available in academic departments and the Office of the Registrar upon completion of 45 earned hours. Academic majors and minors that are available at the University are listed below:
Academic Majors
Colleges and Schools | Degree Majors |
College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources | |
Agriculture | |
Human Nutrition and Food | |
School of Architecture | |
Architecture | |
Construction Science | |
Digital Media Arts | |
Marvin D and June Samuel Brailsford College of Arts and Sciences | |
African American Studies | |
Biology | |
Chemistry | |
Communications | |
English | |
History | |
Mathematics | |
Music | |
Political Science | |
Physics | |
Psychology | |
Sociology | |
Social Work | |
College of Business | |
Accounting | |
Finance | |
Management | |
Management Information Systems | |
Marketing | |
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education | |
Teacher Education | |
Roy G. Perry College of Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | |
Civil Engineering | |
Computer Engineering | |
Computer Science | |
Electrical Engineering | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
College of Juvenile Justice | |
Criminal Justice | |
Juvenile Justice | |
College of Nursing | |
Nursing | |
School of Public and Allied Health | |
Kinesiology | |
Health | |
Public Health | |
Undergraduate Studies | |
General Studies |
Academic Minors
Colleges and Schools | Minor |
College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources | Agriculture |
Human Nutrition and Food | |
Pre-Veterinarian | |
School of Architecture | Architecture |
Art | |
Construction Science | |
Digital Media Arts | |
Sustainable Design | |
Marvin D. and June Samuel Brailsford College of Arts and Sciences | African-American Studies |
Biology | |
Chemistry | |
Communications | |
Creative Writing | |
Drama | |
English | |
History | |
Humanities | |
Legal Studies | |
Mathematics | |
Military Science - ARMY | |
Military Science - NAVY | |
Music | |
Philosophy | |
Psychology | |
Physics | |
Political Science | |
Social Sciences | |
Social Work | |
Sociology | |
Spanish | |
College of Business | Accounting |
Business Administration (Management) | |
Business Analytics | |
Economics | |
Finance | |
Human Resource Management | |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship | |
International Business | |
Management Information Systems | |
Marketing | |
Personal Financial Planning | |
Real Estate | |
Supply Chain Management | |
Whitlowe R. Green College of Education | |
Roy G. Perry College of Engineering | Civil Engineering |
Chemical Engineering | |
Computer Science | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
College of Juvenile Justice | Criminal Justice |
Cybersecurity Interdisciplinary | |
Emergency Management & Crisis Informatics | |
School of Public and Allied Health | Applied Exercise Science |
Dance | |
Health | |
Kinesiology | |
Public Health | |
Sport Management |
Grading and Grade Related Issues
Grading System
The standard university grading scale is indicated below. The score range applies to all programs except the College of Nursing.
Grade | Meaning | Score Range | Grade Values |
A | Excellent | 90-100 | 4 |
B | Good | 80-89 | 3 |
C | Satisfactory | 70-79 | 2 |
D | Passing | 60-69 | 1 |
F | Failing | 0-59 | 0 |
FN | Failing (Non-attendance) | 0-59 | 0 |
S | Satisfactory | 70-100 | 0 |
U | Unsatisfactory | 0-69 | 0 |
I | Incomplete | 0 | |
P | Passing | 70-100 | 0 |
NP | Not Passing | 0-69 | 0 |
W | Withdrawal from a course | 0 | |
WV | Withdrawal from the University Voluntarily | 0 | |
MW | Military Withdrawal | 0 | |
AW | Administrative Withdrawal | 0 |
Correction or Change of Grade
Any change or correction of a grade recorded for a student must be made within the semester or term immediately following the term for which the grade was recorded.
Incomplete “I” Grade
An “I,” incomplete, may be granted only when an authorized absence or other cause beyond the student’s control has prevented the student from completing a major course requirement, usually a final examination or major paper due near the end of a course. The student must have a passing average in all work completed at the time the incomplete is given. Incomplete work must be completed and a grade recorded within one calendar year from the close of the term in which the grade was earned. If the incomplete is not removed within the time allotted, the “I” will be changed to “F” by the registrar. This regulation does not apply to thesis problems, research credit courses, internships, or student teaching which may go beyond the end of the semester but does apply to terminal project credit courses.
Grade Replacement for Repeated Courses
Effective fall 2011, Undergraduate students have the option to replace up to 12 semester credit hours of courses where a C, D, or F is earned in a course, effective with courses taken fall 2011. Students will have to request to replace the course with the Office of the Registrar with college approval. Grades repeated, but not replaced, will be averaged into the cumulative grade point average. NOTE: Courses taken more than twice may be charged at a higher rate. See the section on Tuition and Fees.
Limit on Repetition of Upper Level Course
Students who accumulate two failures in upper level (3000 or above) courses are required to obtain approval from their academic dean to take the course for a third time.
Grade Point Average
The grade point average (GPA) is determined by adding grade values (grade points) multiplied by credit hours for all courses completed during a period and dividing that total by the total GPA hours during the period. Withdrawal (W), Voluntary Withdrawal (WV), Military Withdrawal (MW), Administrative Withdrawal (AW), and Incomplete (I) will not be included among grades used to compute grade point averages. Only grades earned in coursework completed at Prairie View A&M University shall be used in determining a student's grade point average.
Calculating GPA
1. Convert your letter grades to point values based on a 4.0 grading scale.
A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0
2. Multiply the semester credit hour by grade points, which gives you the quality points.
3. Once converted, determine the total quality points and the total GPA hours.
4. Divide the sum of the quality points by the total number GPA hours.
For example:
Subject | Number | Credit Hours | Grade | Grade Points | Quality Points |
COMM | 1003 | 3 | A | 4.0 | 12 |
ENGL | 1013 | 3 | C | 2.0 | 6 |
MATH | 1015 | 5 | B | 3.0 | 15 |
CUIN | 1013 | 3 | F | 0.0 | 0 |
HUNF | 2013 | 3 | D | 1.0 | 3 |
Total | 17 | 10 | 36 |
Semester Grade Point = 36.0/17.0 = 2.1
Grade Reports
Students may acquire their mid-term and final grades via the web through PantherTracks. Mid-term grades are progress reports and are not recorded on the student’s permanent record. Final grades are recorded on the student’s permanent record at the close of each semester and summer term. If an error in the recording of grades is suspected, the student should report this immediately to the instructor, department head, or dean for verification and correction, if appropriate.
Application for Graduation
A student who plans to receive a degree from Prairie View A&M University must apply for graduation online a semester before anticipated graduation date. Students are to apply by the published deadline available in the Academic Calendar for each graduation semester (fall, spring, or summer).
To initiate the process, complete the graduation checklist found online via PantherTracks at the “Apply to Graduate” link, then process the online application. A fee is required as part of the application process and will be billed to the student at the time the application is electronically submitted. Students who apply for graduation that are not enrolled for the term in which they plan to graduate will be charged an absentia fee. Finally, students receiving financial aid must participate in the financial aid exit loan process and should visit the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships for assistance.
Degrees for students who are indebted to the University or have not completed “Exit Loan Counseling” will be posted, if earned, but the transcript and diploma will be withheld until the debt is paid, the exit loan counseling completed, and the hold removed by Student Financial Aid.
Cancelling a Graduation Application After Submittal to the Registrar’s Office
A student has 10 business days after the application deadline to cancel an application. No cancellations will be accepted after this period. The Graduation Cancellation Form (Forms Library-WEB) must be completed and submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the graduation applicant. Graduation fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Graduation Requirements
Each degree program has established courses, examinations, and other performance requirements students must satisfy in order to be awarded a degree. General graduation requirements include:
- Satisfactory completion of work in an academic major;
- Satisfactory completion of the Core Curriculum requirements;
- A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00;
- A minimum grade point average of 2.00 in the major;
- A minimum grade point average of 2.00 in the minor;
- Completion of the residency requirement: A minimum of 36 semester hours of credit toward a degree must be earned in residence at Prairie View A&M University.
- Completion of 30 of the final 36 semester hours of credit in residence at Prairie View A&M University.
The University requires that a student be in good standing in order to be awarded a degree. There must be no academic, financial, or disciplinary deficiencies at the time of final clearance. Any discovery of failure to satisfy the good standing requirement including involvement in inappropriate conduct up to and through final examinations, a cooperative education, internship assignment, and/or commencement will result in a review and in a sanction which must be satisfied prior to award of a degree or may result in a candidate’s being denied the award of a degree from Prairie View A&M University.
Transfer Credit During Last Enrollment Period
A student who has the permission of the Department Head of his/her department to complete a requirement for graduation at another institution during his/her final semester at the university, must have on file in their student record in the Office of the Registrar, an official transcript of any grade received at the other institution within 45 days after commencement. Students who do not meet this requirement will not be permitted to graduate and may not participate in the commencement exercise. A student who does not graduate because of failure to satisfy this requirement must reapply for graduation during the next graduation period. An official transcript is the only acceptable documentation of the completion of a graduation requirement. Grades earned at other institutions may not be used to remove a grade point deficiency acquired in residence at Prairie View A&M University.
Transfer of Grades from Other Institutions while Matriculating at Prairie View A&M University
Undergraduate students matriculating at Prairie View A&M University may wish to take courses from other institutions of higher education. Prior to enrolling in a face-to-face or electronically delivered course at another institution, the student who wishes to take courses to be transferred back to Prairie View A&M University and to be counted toward degree requirements must obtain approval from the respective department head. Written specifications identifying the course or courses to be taken must be signed by the student, the advisor and the department head. The pre-approved transfer credit form will be forwarded to the Office of Transfer Articulation for inclusion in the student’s record. If there is no agreement on file in the Office of Transfer Articulation, grades for courses taken at other institutions by students attending Prairie View A&M University may not be accepted. Grades earned at other institutions may not be used to remove a grade point deficiency acquired in residence at Prairie View A&M University.
Teacher Certification Requirement
Students seeking degrees in education, or degree majors in other fields with eligibility for teacher certification, must be admitted to teacher education by the College of Education before enrolling in teacher education professional education courses. Entrance and exit examinations are required. Students interested in being certified as teachers after graduation should contact the Office of the Dean in the College of Education for information and advisement following admission to the University.
Registration Requirement
Students completing work required for a degree must be enrolled during the term in which the work is completed and the application for graduation is filed. A fee is required for registration in absentia.
Removal of “I” grades
A student who has a grade of Incomplete, “I”, must arrange to complete the work and receive a grade that meets the minimum acceptable to pass the course and to receive credit in the major or minor. No student will be awarded a degree until the “I” grade has been converted to a passing grade. All grades of “I” must be removed and replaced with passing grades for courses included in degree requirements within one year. A student should not re-enroll in a course for which a grade of “I” has been recorded.
Second Baccalaureate Degree Requirement
A second bachelor degree will be conferred when a student has completed at least 30 semester hours in residence (24 semester hours in upper division [3xxx – 4xxx] courses beyond those counted toward the first degree.) Any additional requirements of the department and college approving the respective degree plan and state legislative mandated requirements must be completed. If the student did not take six (6) semester hours of U.S. History and six (6) semester hours of U.S. Government, the student must take the courses or pass CLEP examinations to meet this twelve (12) semester hour requirement Texas mandates for all bachelor degree recipients. Also, at least 12 credit hours (six of which are upper level courses) toward the second degree must be completed in residence after the awarding of the first degree. To obtain a second degree you have to be readmitted to the university through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Dual Degree
Students interested in fields of study that fall under different degree types must complete a dual degree instead of a double major. Dual degrees are two different bachelor’s degrees awarded at one commencement (e.g., Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science). Dual degrees require completion of at least 150 credit hours with at least 30 credit hours unique to each program. Additional coursework may include academic minors and unrestricted electives.
Double Majors
Students who want in-depth study in more than one academic field within the same degree designation (e.g., Bachelor of Arts in History and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science) may elect to pursue a double major. The following conditions apply for double majors:
- Students must complete the University core curriculum.
- Students must complete all coursework specific to the major fields of study, all College requirements, and all support area requirements.
- Students completing a double major are not required to declare academic minors.
- Students must adhere to the GPA requirements of each major field of study.
- Students who are double majors must have an advisor in each major field of study and meet with them regularly to ensure timely progress towards graduation.
- Students may graduate with a double major so long as they complete all the requirements for both majors, comply with the policy on double-dipping, and comply with all regular requirements for graduation.
Double-dipping for Double Majors
Double-dipping is the application of a single course to multiple academic requirements. Examples of double-dipping include:
- Support area requirement: When both majors list the same course as a support area requirement, the class meets both requirements.
- College requirements: When both majors are in similar fields (e.g. two areas of engineering or business), a student with a double major can count the same course towards both requirements.
- Unrestricted electives: Students completing a double major are allowed to share unrestricted elective credits.
Programs that do not allow double-dipping will indicate so in the program information section of the university catalog. The Change of Major form must be completed to establish a double major or a dual major. The policies governing double-dipping may also be applicable to students pursuing dual degrees. Triple-dipping is not permitted.
RN-BSN Program: Second Baccalaureate Degree
This program of study applies to the student who has a bachelor degree in another field, or an associate degree in nursing, and who is pursuing the BSN as a second baccalaureate degree. The program of study for the Prairie View A&M University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree requires that the student has 127 semester hours for program completion. These hours include 63 prerequisite hours, 36 hours earned through advanced standing credit if graduated from an accredited ADN program by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), and 28 hours earned through enrollment in the College of Nursing. Forty-four (44) semester hours of core non-nursing prerequisite course requirements may be transferred from any accredited college or university.
Advanced Standing Credits in Nursing from ADN Program includes 36 semester hours. At the completion of the first semester of required nursing curriculum in the RN-BSN program and evidence of an experiential base, students are granted 36 semester hours toward graduation for previous nursing credits earned in an NLNAC accredited ADN program.
Time Limit to Graduation
Students graduate under the catalog requirement for the academic year in which they first enroll in the university, provided those requirements are completed within a continuous six year period. The academic year begins with the fall semester. Students enrolling for the first time during summer session are subject to the catalog for the following academic year. If degree requirements are not completed within the six year period, students must meet all requirements effective for the catalog under which they expect to graduate. If attendance is interrupted for as much as one academic year, or if a student transfers from one degree program to another, the catalog requirement in effect at the time of re-admission or transfer applies.
Commencement and the Conferring of Degrees
Commencement exercises are scheduled in May, August and December of each year. Participation in the commencement exercises does not constitute the formal conferral of the degree. Formal conferring of degrees and awarding of diplomas take place after the final graduation audit review conducted by the academic dean and Office of the Registrar.
The University has the right to withhold a degree if academic, financial or disciplinary deficiencies arise before the degree is posted. The University may rescind a previously granted degree if it becomes aware of information leading to the determination that the degree(s) should never have been granted.
Honor Roll
To qualify for the semester honor roll, a student must have carried a minimum 12 semester hour course load, maintained a 3.50 grade point average or greater, and earned no grade lower than a “C”. The minimum GPA for the semester honor roll is 3.50. Developmental courses will not be included in the computation of the GPA for honor roll.
Dean’s Honors
To qualify for Dean's Honors, a student will have earned a minimum of 12 semester hours, excluding any developmental or other courses below college level. A student may qualify for Dean’s Honors with a semester GPA between 3.0 and 3.49.
Graduating with Honors
Honors recognition at graduation is based on consistent high scholarship and cumulative grade point average based upon the completion of a minimum of 60 semester credit hours earned at Prairie View A&M University. Developmental courses will not be included in the computation of the GPA for graduating with honors. Students graduating with honors will be recognized at commencement by wearing gold honor stoles and by public announcement during the ceremony. The specific honors levels are as follows:
3.90 - 4.00 GPA = Summa Cum Laude
3.70 - 3.89 GPA = Magna Cum Laude
3.50 - 3.69 GPA = Cum Laude
General University Probation and Suspension Policy
Failure to maintain minimum standards will cause a student to be placed on probation or suspension or be administratively dismissed. Conditions governing probation and suspension are listed below:
- Any student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 is placed on probation.
- Any student on probation who does not receive a 2.0 semester grade point average is suspended.
- Any student on probation for three consecutive regular semesters is suspended. (This is possible if the student who has a cumulative grade point average earns a semester grade point average of 2.0 or above but does not raise the cumulative grade point average above 2.0). However, a student on probation who has earned a 2.0 or better for three consecutive semesters can appeal the suspension to the Admission and Academic Standards Committee before serving the suspension. A decision to continue the student’s probation in lieu of suspension must be approved by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- If a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 1.00 at the end of any fall or spring semester, the student will be suspended.
- The length of the first suspension is one regular semester. The second suspension is for one year. After a second suspension, a student must meet all academic requirements or be dismissed.
- Following suspension, a student is on probation for the next semester and thus is governed by the guidelines for students on probation.
Students who are suspended are expected to strengthen their academic skills by pursing credit or non-credit courses or programs related to their academic or career objectives, or engage in other activities that can positively impact students’ preparation for success upon returning to the University following a suspension. Grades earned at other institutions may not be used to remove a grade point deficiency acquired in residence at Prairie View A&M University.
A transcript is the record of an individual’s course work at the University. Before an official transcript can be released, all admission requirements, fiscal and financial aid obligations to the University must be met. Official transcripts may be requested by current students via the web on PantherTracks.
Please allow 3-5 business days from the date the request was received, except during peak periods and holidays, during these times allow longer processing times.
A student must provide identification at the Office of the Registrar when picking up a copy of a transcript in person. Without the written consent of the student, the University will not release a transcript except when directed by a court ordered subpoena.
Leaving the University after Registering
A student who registers but decides not to attend the University must officially withdraw from the University. Failure to officially withdraw will result in the student being awarded grades of an “F” in all courses, and the student being required to pay all assessed fees even though the student has actually left the University.
Limitations on Course Withdrawals (Six Drop Rule)
Effective September 1, 2007, institutions of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course dropped at another institution of higher education. For specific details to this rule refer to the following web address: http://www.pvamu.edu/pages/4702.asp. (Enacted by the 80th Legislative Session of the State of Texas - SB 1231)
Course Changes and Withdrawal
Course changes and withdrawals are accepted only as designated in the academic calendar. All such changes in registration require the approval of the student’s advisor and/or dean. No withdrawal in registration is complete until filed with the Office of the Registrar for recording. A student who wishes to withdraw from a course other than an undergraduate pre-college developmental course (reading, writing, mathematics, study skills), but whose advisor, Department Head, or Dean will not approve, may appeal to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Voluntary Withdrawal from a Course
- A student may drop from a course before the census date ends without having the course recorded on his/her permanent record.
- After the census date, dropping a course is equated to withdrawing from a course. Withdrawal from a course will be allowed until two weeks after mid-term examinations period during the fall and spring semesters, and one week before the date of the final examination during a summer term. No withdrawal from a course will be allowed after that point. Withdrawals must be approved by the advisor/department head/dean.
- After the census date, the student is automatically assigned a grade of a “W” to indicate a course withdrawal. The “W” will not be calculated in the GPA.
- Withdrawals from courses may affect housing, graduation, financial aid, membership in organizations or other opportunities.
Voluntary Withdrawal from the University
Students seeking to withdraw from the University may seek advice and counsel from several sources: Academic Advising, Course Instructors, Department Head, or Dean. A student should consult first with their academic advisor who will assess the student’s rationale for withdrawal, and through referral, coordination, counseling, or other University resources, assist the student with remaining enrolled if possible.
A student who officially withdraws after the census date through the last class day will receive a grade of “WV” for all courses affected by the withdrawal and a registration hold will be placed to prompt academic advisement before subsequent registration can occur.
Withdrawal of Students Ordered to Military Active Duty
A student called to active duty after the summer semester of 1990 will have three options as follows:
- Refund of the tuition and fees paid by the student for the semester in which the student is required to withdraw,
- Grant the student a grade of “MW” in each of his or her academic courses and designate “withdrawn-military” on the students transcript, or
- If an instructor determines that a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the course and demonstrated mastery of the material, then an appropriate final grade may be assigned.
In all cases, the student should provide a copy of the military order to the Academic Dean. The Dean will ensure that the Registrar has a copy of this order to keep in the permanent file. In those events where the student chooses the second option, the Dean will ensure that grades of “MW” are recorded for courses in which the student is enrolled. The instructor for each course will prepare the necessary documentation for removing the “MW” grade and forward the information to the department head for storage in the student’s record in the college, or school. In addition, a copy of the documentation will be forwarded to the Registrar for storage in the student’s permanent file. The time limit for the removal of a grade of “MW” for a student called to active military duty after the summer semester of 1990, shall be one calendar year from the official date of release from military active duty. Failure to enroll as a student during the one calendar year following release from military active duty will result in the grade of “MW” remaining permanently on the academic record.
Administrative Dismissal
To be administratively dropped from the University is to be dismissed from the University. A student may be dismissed from the university for failure to make satisfactory academic progress, or for inappropriate behavior that is detrimental to good order. Administrative drop does not relieve the student of the responsibility for all debts, including tuition, fees, room and board, and other incidental charges for the full semester.